WIN: Preservation Chicago Leads and Coordinates Effort to Suggest 15 New Chicago Landmarks

Epworth United Methodist Church suggested for Chicago Landmark Status by Ward Miller of Preservation Chicago. Image credit: Helena @HD_documentor
St. Martin of Tours Church suggested for Chicago Landmark Status by Max Chavez of Preservation Chicago. Image credit: Helena @HD_documentor

On March 29, 2022, Preservation Chicago lead the effort to suggest new potential Chicago Landmarks at the Program Committee Hearing Commission on Chicago Landmarks. Preservation Chicago staff testified on behalf of seven of the following buildings. Additionally, we played an important role supporting community members and coordinating community efforts with nearly all of the suggested buildings. This is an important first step on the long process for a building to become a Designated Chicago Landmark. Buildings formally suggested for Chicago Landmark Designation include:

  1. Altgeld School Building C
  2. Altgeld “Up Top” Store
  3. Mars Candy
  4. 2150 E. 71st St.
  5. 1320 S. Kedvale Avenue
  6. Wax Trax! Records
  7. Greater Tabernacle Cathedral
  8. St. Michael the Archangel Church
  9. Century and Consumers Buildings
  10. Epworth Methodist Church
  11. Helstein House
  12. Astor Tower & Maxim’s
  13. St. Martin of Tours Church
  14. Greater Union Baptist Church
  15. Phyllis Wheatley Home For Girls


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