Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Stairs at The Rookery, Entryway, 1888 by Burnham & Root with 1907 lobby renovation by Frank Lloyd Wright, 209 S. LaSalle St. Designated a Chicago Landmark in 1972. Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers
Stairs at The Rookery, Entryway, 1888 by Burnham & Root with 1907 lobby renovation by Frank Lloyd Wright, 209 S. LaSalle St. Designated a Chicago Landmark in 1972. Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers

Preservation Chicago: Love Your City Fiercely!

Preservation Chicago leverages the power of historic preservation to create healthy, vibrant, diverse and sustainable communities. Our results have been surprising, significant and substantial. We catalyze change.

Vision: Preservation Chicago is committed to strengthening the vibrancy of Chicago’s economy and quality of life by championing our historic built environment.

Mission: Preservation Chicago protects and revitalizes Chicago’s irreplaceable architecture, neighborhoods and urban green spaces.  Through advocacy, outreach, education and partnership, we influence stakeholders to pursue creative reuse and preservation-sensitive outcomes.

Impact: Preservation Chicago is the catalyst behind Chicago’s unprecedented surge in high-profile, transformational efforts to recognize, protect, and transform long-neglected historic assets into dynamic neighborhood anchors. The stabilization and revitalization of historic community assets is a proven powerful economic engine to anchor reinvestment and catalyze healthy, sustainable, equitable communities through job creation, heritage tourism, and community wealth building. Additionally, by uplifting culturally significant historic places, the successes and sacrifices of past generations can inspire a more just and equitable future.

Proven Strategy: Our innovative “Leveraged Impact” model of Amplification, Protection, and Investment creates the necessary pre-conditions to enable transformational change. By mobilizing widespread goodwill through extensive media coverage, and deploying robust Chicago Landmark protections against demolition, we create the stability necessary to secure significant public and private philanthropic funding.

Everything we do is pro-bono. Our collective impact has resulted in countless successful outcomes across Chicago.

Learn more about Preservation Chicago’s mission and vision on Guidestar / Candid, including out Platinum Transparency rating.

Join the effort. We recognize that there are many worth causes and organizations to support, but there are few organizations that will result in as high a return on your philanthropic investment.

We seek outcomes-oriented supporters who wish to donate their charitable dollars in a nonprofit that consistently delivers outstanding results. This makes Preservation Chicago one of the best nonprofits in Chicago to support with your charitable dollars. Make a donation today via our secure online portal.

Or join the Preservation Circle. The Preservation Circle provides a critical source of operating funds and Preservation Circle members are given the opportunity to more deeply and directly engage with our preservation advocacy efforts, strategies, and successes.

Thank you for your interest in Preservation Chicago. To more closely follow our efforts, sign up for our free Month-in-Review newsletter and follow us on social media.

Preservation Chicago: Love Your City Fiercely!®