Preservation Circle

Preservation Circle

Make a difference. Make a donation

Invest Your Charitable Dollars in a Nonprofit that Delivers Consistently Outstanding Results

Preservation Chicago is the catalyst behind Chicago’s unprecedented surge in high-profile, transformational efforts to recognize, protect, and transform long-neglected historic assets into dynamic neighborhood anchors.

We are seeking outcomes-oriented philanthropic partners who wish to invest their charitable dollars in a nonprofit that consistently delivers outstanding results.

Preservation Chicago leverages the power of historic preservation to create healthy, vibrant, diverse, and sustainable communities. The stabilization and revitalization of historic community assets is a proven powerful economic engine to anchor reinvestment and catalyze healthy, sustainable, equitable communities through job creation, heritage tourism, and community wealth building. Additionally, by uplifting culturally significant historic places, the successes and sacrifices of past generations can inspire a more just and equitable future.

And it’s working. We are catalyzing change.

Preservation Chicago is the rare 501(c)(3) nonprofit that leverages philanthropic support into tangible community investment. In 2023, with our $500k budget, we catalyzed over $10M in public funding, which in turn generated over $100M in private funding in community investment.

Our innovative “Leveraged Impact” model of Amplification, Protection, and Investment creates the necessary pre-conditions to enable transformational change. By mobilizing widespread goodwill through extensive media coverage, and deploying robust Chicago Landmark protections against demolition, we create the stability necessary to secure significant public and private philanthropic funding.

Everything we do is pro-bono. Our collective impact has resulted in dozens of remarkably successful outcomes across Chicago. This makes Preservation Chicago one of the best nonprofits in Chicago to support with your philanthropic dollars.

Due to our small organizational footprint, we have innovated advocacy strategies and developed unconventional techniques that have resulted in our significant outcomes. We’ve accomplished so much already, just imagine what could accomplished with a larger staff capacity.

Preservation Chicago’s Preservation Circle is a vitally important donor base.

The Preservation Circle provides a critical source of operating funds and Preservation Circle members are given the opportunity to more deeply and directly engage with our preservation advocacy efforts, strategies, and successes.

Sears Tower / Willis Tower, 1973, Fazlur Rahman Khan, Bruce Graham, 233 S. Wacker Dr. Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers
Sears Tower / Willis Tower, 1973, Fazlur Rahman Khan, Bruce Graham, 233 S. Wacker Dr. Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers

Preservation Circle members are invited to participate in unique events and programs in unusual locations. Hosted by Preservation Chicago staff and Board of Directors, these events provide direct access to learn the stories behind headlines and gain a deeper connection with the mission.

Membership in the Preservation Circle is open to individuals, families, and family foundations who choose to make an annual contribution of $2,500 to $25,000 to support Preservation Chicago’s advocacy efforts. Our ability to operate is due in large part to the generous support donors and foundations that believe that Chicago and its Chicago’s historically significant built environment is precious and worth fighting to protect.

We’d love to share more of the details with you. Please contact Ward Miller, The Richard H. Driehaus Executive Director of Preservation Chicago at 312-443-1000 or, or Patrick Grossi, Director of Development and Policy of Preservation Chicago at or 312.242.3902.

Or simply make a donation via secure online portal or send a check to the Preservation Chicago at 205 W. Monroe, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60606 and we’ll contact you!

Donate today!

Preservation Circle Membership Benefits

Your membership in the Preservation Circle requires no dues or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank and recognize you for the plans you have made. It may also inspire others to follow your lead. If you prefer to remain anonymous, your gift will be kept completely confidential.

Preservation Circle members receive

  • An invitation to exclusive quarterly preservation briefings with the Preservation Chicago Executive Director.
  • A Preservation Circle membership certificate
  • Acknowledgment on our website (optional)
  • A complimentary limited edition annual Chicago 7 book

Preservation Chicago: Delivering Consistently Outstanding Results We recognize that there are many worth causes and organizations to support, but there are few organizations that will result in as high a return on your philanthropic investment. Our results have been surprising, significant and substantial. These outcomes are even more remarkable given the small size of our organization. The generosity of supporters like you is vital to sustain our daily operations. Preservation Chicago is a 100% privately funded 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation. Your tax deductible donation ensures that the mission and impact of Preservation Chicago continues to grow and that our voice remains independent. Please make the decision to support Preservation Chicago today and help strengthen the vibrancy of Chicago. Your donation of any amount directly supports Preservation Chicago’s advocacy efforts. All donations to Preservation Chicago are fully tax-deductible as permitted by law. Preservation Chicago is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, Federal Tax ID: 01-0674228 Thank you for your confidence. Thank you for your donation. Thank you for loving Chicago fiercely!