WIN: Preservation Chicago Formally Suggests Seven Significant Historic Places for Chicago Landmark Designation

“Proposals to list Altgeld Gardens, the Ramova Theatre and the Elijah Muhammad house on the National Register of Historic Places cleared a key committee hearing Wednesday and will come before the full Commission on Chicago Landmarks in October.
“All three sites were approved to move forward by the commission’s program committee. If the full commission also votes in favor of the proposals, the final recommendation for listing will then rest with the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council.
“The addition of Altgeld Gardens and the Elijah Muhammad house to the register would broaden the stories represented in Chicago’s and the nation’s history.
  • “Altgeld Gardens-Phillip Murray Homes Historic District – Bounded by East 130th Street, South Greenwood Avenue, East 133rd Place, East 133rd Street, East 134th Street and South St. Lawrence Avenue
  • “Elijah Muhammad house – 4847 S. Woodlawn Ave.
  • “Ramova Theatre – 3508-18 S. Halsted St.
Preservation Chicago Formally Suggests Chicago Landmark Designation for Seven Significant Historic Places at September 22, 2021 Commission on Chicago Landmarks Hearing. Image credit: Preservation Chicago Tweet


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