“Designed by the notable architect Alfred Samuel Alschuler, a neoclassical revival-style church complex built in 1912 could soon become the next official Chicago landmark.
“Last week, the Chicago Commission on Landmarks voted to grant preliminary landmark status to the Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church Complex at 4600 S. Martin Luther King Drive in Bronzeville—which consists of the former synagogue and social settlement house connected by a common wing.
“We very much support this designation as Chicago landmark. This is an amazing building that’s elegant and monumental with finely crafted materials and it really anchors this corner at 46th and King Drive,” said Ward Miller, executive director of Preservation Chicago.
“Much of Alschuler’s original architecture remains, including the six Ionic limestone columns framing the main entrance and a four-story sanctuary with a barrel vault ceiling, a central skylight, stained glass windows, and many Stars of David.
“The church is most famous for being the site of a famous Martin Luther King Jr. sermon but the buildings have a rich history that dates back more than a century. Under Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, Sinai Temple became well-known as a social and intellectual center as well as a house of worship. It’s educational and social programming included talks by prominent speakers like First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, social reformer Jane Addams, and Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis.” (Smith, 11/11/19)