“A developer wants to overhaul two bank buildings at Damen and Lincoln avenues to bring apartments and stores to the busy North Center intersection.
“Developer Ravine Park Partners wants to renovate the existing bank building at 3959 N. Lincoln Ave. and construct a new eight-story building at 3950 N. Damen Ave. Both properties are near the three-way intersection of Lincoln Avenue, Damen Avenue and Irving Park Road.
“The rehab of the 3959 N. Lincoln Ave. building would include 5,000 square feet of retail on the first floor and 92 one- and two-bedroom apartments, according to plans shared with Martin’s office. (Hernandez, Block Club Chicago, 1/17/23)
Both the original Lincoln Trust & Savings Bank, located across the street at 3936 N. Lincoln Avenue and the Art Deco limestone bank building should both be considered for Chicago Landmark Designation.