Ward Miller Guest Lectures at University of Chicago Historic Preservation Class

“Ward Miller was the “first ever historic preservation speaker in the first ever historic preservation class at the University of Chicago.” On April 4, 2022, he presented an insightful, fast-paced, information-packed lecture and presentation titled ‘Historic Preservation in Chicago; Creative Solutions for Endangered Buildings.’ The course is taught by Emily Talen, Professor of Urbanism. The Historic Preservation Studio is part of the Chicago Studies Urbanism Lab at the University of Chicago. The following email of appreciation is shared with permission.

“Dear Ward,

“I want to thank you again for taking the time to talk to my students as your brilliant lecture was so inspiring and upbeat, despite the setbacks you also related. I know the students absolutely loved and appreciated the deep dive into Chicago’s historic preservation journey, as did I. Consider us all huge fans of Preservation Chicago!

“Thanks so much!


“Emily Talen | Professor of Urbanism”


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