Since 2003, Preservation Chicago has announced its annual “Chicago 7 Most Endangered” list to draw attention to important Chicago historic resources threatened by demolition due to development pressure, neglect, or a lack of resources. Once included as a Chicago 7, a historic building or resource remains an advocacy priority of Preservation Chicago for as many years as it takes for it to be saved or demolished.  Of the approximately 100 historic resources identified since 2003, we have enjoyed many wins, suffered a number of tragic losses, and remain committed to the advocacy efforts to protect those buildings that remain endangered.

We intentionally do not “keep score” as a metric to evaluate the success of this program.  We choose to evaluate the advocacy efforts around wins and losses on individual basis.  This is necessary to ensure that selection process of future Chicago 7 Most Endangered properties is based on the merit of the resource, the degree of peril, and the potential value of publicity generated by the public attention. The likelihood of success is explicitly not a criteria considered by Preservation Chicago.  Preservation Chicago often assumes the role in advocacy efforts as the last defender of “lost causes” and the organization entity willing to public “speak truth to power”. The Chicago 7 Most Endangered program allows us to identify and organize an advocacy effort around the most vulnerable and important historic assets within Chicago.

2019 Chicago 7 Most Endangered eReader below. Click “<” or “>” to navigate the booklet.

For optimal e-reading mode, click the “X” on the toolbar below for full page view. Scroll in to enlarge the font and photos.

Prefer a printed version? As a thank you for any donation of $100 or more, a printed version of the 2019
Chicago 7 Most Endangered Booklet will be mailed to you. Donation link.

Download link for…Preservation Chicago’s 2019 Chicago 7 Most Endangered Booklet


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