Shrine in “People Saving Places” Video Series!

The 1920’s Chicago Landmark Shrine of Christ the King in Woodlawn, which Preservation Chicago has twice led the effort to save from demolition, is one of eight preservation projects featured in the People Savings Places Video series recently produced by Landmarks Illinois.

The videos were made by film students at Kennedy-King College and received funding from Illinois Humanities and the Richard and Julia Moe Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation:

The series highlights “how people are leveraging historic preservation to boost economic development, attract cultural heritage tourism and increase pride of place.”

The videos premiered at a screening in Ottawa, Illinois on April 29th and a Chicago screening on Kennedy-King’s campus on May 2nd was attended by many Shrine supporters, including Preservation Chicago’s Ward Miller and Board Member Emily Nielsen.

The series will also be shown at Landmarks Illinois’ Annual Meeting on June 29th and all videos are available now on YouTube.

Please take a moment to watch and be uplifted by these inspiring stories!

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People Savings Places The Shrine Video


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