Promontory Point Conservancy hosts Promontory Point Clean-Up October 16, 2022

“Join us Sunday, October 16, 10:30am – noon for the Point clean-up. This will be a very important clean-up because two days later Chicago Parks District Superintendent Rosa Escareno will be walking the Point with Conservancy members to discuss preservation of the limestone revetment. At the clean-up, we will be:
• excavating and cleaning fire pits in Council Rings (We have three sets of tools for three teams of three to clean out three fire pits. Great family project and extremely collegial, cooperative work.)
• trimming trees and shrubs in the revetment (We have four loppers for pruning the trees of heaven growing on the south side of the Point.)
• picking up debris and trash (Always bottles and items tucked in the rocks of the revetment for collection and recycling. What treasures might you find? Quick, therapeutic work.)
We will provide tools and equipment including trash bags, gloves, masks, loppers, soft and hard rakes, shovels and buckets. Please wear work clothes and bring a mask. If you have an orange Save the Point Again! workshirt, please wear it. If you don’t, pick one up. And please join us November 13 for the last clean-up for the year!
“Our volunteers do incredible work and make a huge difference at the Point. We are extremely grateful for all their hard work. Need a service project? We provide credits! Thank you, thank you! See you at the Point!
Promontory Point Clean-Up
October 16, 2022
10:30am – Noon
“Point2Point  Promontory Point Conservancy is now taking online donations on its new website. Read below what we’re up to and how you can support our work to protect and preserve Promontory Point


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