The construction permit was issued for the Ukrainian Dairy site at 1938 W. Augusta Avenue. After over a year of advocacy and negotiations, the developer, MCZ Development, agreed to preserve the one-story, 1920’s era, white glazed tile, Pure Dairy façade that runs along Augusta and to set back the new construction 14 feet. The historic façade will provide courtyards between the sidewalk and new five-story construction condo building creating privacy for the residents and preserving a much beloved neighborhood landmark facade. Designed by Space Architects + Planners, the project will include 16 condos.
In November 2015, 2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins, Preservation Chicago, the East Village Association, and Ukrainian Village community members testified to prevent the demolition of the 1920’s era Ukrainian Dairy/Leona’s building and the adjoining Victorian era buildings at 1938 W. Augusta Avenue. The passionate testimony proved unable to reverse the opinions of the Landmark Commissioners who voted to approve the demolition permit. However, the preservation effort then moved to the full City Council where Alderman Hopkins courageously defended the will of the community and continued to oppose the demolition permit.
Preservation Chicago salutes the heroic efforts of 2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins to protect an important neighborhood landmark. Preservation Chicago also applauds the extensive efforts of the East Village Association which worked closely with Alderman Flores in 2007 to downzone the property, a move which provided an important tool for the current preservation effort.
Additional Reading
Historic Ukrainian Village dairy gets ready for condo rebirth, Jay Koziarz, Curbed Chicago, 1/19/18
Leona’s Building Has Rich History That Condos Won’t Preserve, Neighbors Say, DNAinfo, 4/5/16
‘Historic’ Leona’s No Landmark, City Says – But Neighbors Fight To Save It, DNAinfo, 11/5/15