In Chicago: NOVEMBER 14-17, 2017
PastForward is the premier educational and networking event for those in the business of saving places.
Art, advocacy, and innovation are the hallmarks of preservation in Chicago, where outstanding architecture and diverse neighborhoods have become a proving ground for preservation approaches. At PastForward 2017 we’ll focus on “forward,” exploring the next generation of preservation tools and techniques—high-tech, big data, virtual. Learn more about what PastForward is in this 90 second video.
While we’ll explore many topics at PastForward 2017, we’ll focus on the following themes:
- ReUrbanism—especially preservation’s role in creating economically and environmentally sustainable, equitable, and healthy communities.
- Technology—applying the next generation of technological applications to the work of saving places.
- Health—better understand and advocate for the physical and psychological benefits of older and historic places.
- Connections—using place to make history visible and build understanding, community trust, and civility.
Join us November 14-17, 2017 in Chicago for PastForward.