From the Newsletter of 43rd Ward Alderman Michele Smith
“Those of you who live in the Mid-North Landmark District know about the demolition of 2107 N. Cleveland that occurred two weeks ago.
“In that case, we believe an unscrupulous owner conducted un-permitted excavation on the site to undermine the building’s foundation.
“We learned that the owner had reached a contract to sell the site – but only if the building was demolished. We immediately contacted the Department of Buildings, who delayed demolition for an investigation.
“We worked with a private contractor who was willing to shore the building – but the owner would not let him on site. Unfortunately, the Department of Buildings was forced to allow the demolition for safety reasons.
“Again, we are working with the Law Department to file suit against these owners. In addition, I am filing a new ordinance in City Council next week to strengthen the law against those who seek to get around landmark rules by destroying their property.” (From the Newsletter of 43rd Ward Alderman Michele Smith)