Chicago Vocational High School, 1940, John C. Christensen, 2100 E. 87th St. Photo Credit: Eric Allix RogersBy Preservation ChicagoDecember 31, 2022034FacebookTwitterLinkedinPinterestWhatsAppEmailPrint Is Chicago Vocational HS headed for the National Register of Historic Places? This is good news that we hope leads to a full-on effort to preserve the historic school — and rebuild its curriculum also, Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board, 7/6/22Could preserving school’s regal architecture help CVS regain status as ‘the pride of the South Side’? Some grads of Chicago Vocational High School say their alma mater is in a state of disrepair. As enrollment declines, they hope designating the school as an official Chicago landmark can save the building — and the community, Jason Beeferman, Chicago Sun-Times, 11/11/21Petition to Designate Chicago Vocational School (CVS) a Historic LandmarkIs Chicago Vocational HS headed for the National Register of Historic Places? This is good news that we hope leads to a full-on effort to preserve the historic school — and rebuild its curriculum also, Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board, 7/6/22Could preserving school’s regal architecture help CVS regain status as ‘the pride of the South Side’? Some grads of Chicago Vocational High School say their alma mater is in a state of disrepair. As enrollment declines, they hope designating the school as an official Chicago landmark can save the building — and the community, Jason Beeferman, Chicago Sun-Times, 11/11/21Petition to Designate Chicago Vocational School (CVS) a Historic LandmarkADVOCACYWinsMonth-in-Review NewsletterDecember 2022 NewsletterYear-in-Review Archive2022 Year-in-ReviewFacebookTwitterLinkedinPinterestWhatsAppEmailPrint Previous articleWIN: Adaptive Reuse Progressing of Vintage Fulton Market Industrial Building Into Guinness Chicago TaproomNext articleWIN: Sweetgreen Restaurant to Open in Lincoln Common Boiler House (Chicago 7 2011 & 2016) LEAVE A REPLY Cancel replyComment:Please enter your comment! Name:*Please enter your name here Email:*You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Math Captcha 93 − = 87 Captcha verification failed!CAPTCHA user score failed. Please contact us!