Victorian / Revival Styles

LOSS: Mercy Home Demolishes Beautiful Historic Building at 221 S. Racine for a Vacant Lot

Mercy Home is in the process of demolishing the building at 221-225 S. Racine.Despite dating from 1892 and having a highly intact, beautiful limestone...

THREATENED: Clock Ticking for Chicago Town and Tennis Club! (Chicago 7 2020)

Preservation Chicago has been working with urgency to find a win-win solution for Chicago Town and Tennis Club. The 90-day demolition delay extension provides slightly...

PRINT: A Chicago Couple Restores a Spacious Gothic Revival, Inside and Out In Preservation Magazine

"Jay Dandy: We bought the house in June of 2002 and moved in that November. We had been living in a big, Victorian-era house,...

WIN: Schlitz Tied House at 9401 S. Ewing Avenue Granted Preliminary Landmark Status!

On June 4, 2020, the Commission on Chicago Landmarks voted to award preliminary Landmark designation to the former Schlitz Brewery-Tied House located at 9401...

WIN: Chicago Tribune Editorial – “Cook County Hospital is a Stunning Trauma Survivor” (Chicago 7 2003 and 2004)

"For most of a century starting in 1916, the massive Cook County Hospital opened its healing hallways to wave upon wave of new and...

THREATENED: Preservation Chicago Calls for Adaptive Reuse of Turbine Hall Facade and Enforcement of Demolition Halt of Crawford Station (Chicago 7 2014 & 2019)

Little Village residents and Chicagoans were horrified when the Little Village neighborhood was engulfed in a cloud of demolition dust for approximately 30 minutes...

THREATENED: Preservation Chicago Raising Funds To Move Chicago Town and Tennis 250 Feet Out of Harms Way (Chicago 7 2020)

Link to petition to Save Chicago Town and Tennis Club / Unity ChurchPreservation Chicago has been working with urgency to find a win-win solution for...

WIN: Once a Lost Cause Preservation Effort, Superior Street Rowhouses Now Part of Near North Side Chicago Landmark District

After years of advocacy, the Near North Side Multiple Property District has been approved by the Chicago City Council.The Superior Street Rowhouses were saved...

THREATENED: Demolition Permit Released for Jeffery Theater and Spencer Arms Hotel (Chicago 7 2014)

A Preservation Chicago 7 Most Endangered in 2014, the historic Jeffery Theater is located at the crossroads of what was once the bustling heart...