“The Chicago Jewish Historical Society, in partnership with the Caxton Club, is excited to present a much-anticipated Zoom program.
“Andrew Feiler, author of A Better Life for Their Children: Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, and the 4,978 Schools that Changed America (University of Georgia Press, 2021), will talk about the joint partnership between Rosenwald and Washington that led to the establishment of the Rosenwald Schools, high-quality schools geared toward improving the education of Black children in the South in the early part of the twentieth century. Rosenwald, a Chicago philanthropist, pillar of the city’s Jewish and commercial communities, and a president and part-owner of Sears, Roebuck, and Company, served on the board of the Tuskegee Institute, the prestigious Black university of which Washington was president.
“A Better Life for Their Children is featured in the November 2021 Jewish Book Month section of Jewish Chicago: The JUF Magazine, and Feiler’s December 19 CJHS-Caxton presentation is his first Chicago-based talk about the book. Learn about Andrew Feiler on his website.
“Sunday, December 19, 2021
2:00 PM
Via Zoom
Zoom presentation is free and open to all.
Registration is required.
The Chicago Jewish Historical Society
A Better Life for Their Children: Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington,