October 2022 Newsletter

WIN: Rapid Roller Printing Building to Become Affordable Residential Lofts

Rapid Roller Printing Building, 1928, Schmid & Ryan, 2548 S. Federal St. Image Credit: Chicago Tribune January 28, 1928"Solar panels may soon cover the...

Open Call for Nominations for Preservation Chicago’s 2023 Chicago 7 Most Endangered List

Open Call for nominations for Preservation Chicago's 2023 Chicago 7 Most Endangered List.Worried about a great vintage building or home in your neighborhood...Please let...

THREATENED: Section 106 Hearing to Consider Demolition of Century and Consumers Buildings on November 10, 2022 (Chicago 7 2011, 2013 & 2022)

"The Commission on Chicago Landmarks delayed a vote on the preliminary landmark designation of the Century and Consumers Buildings during its recent monthly meeting...

THREATENED: Continental Can Company Building Targeted for Demolition (Chicago 7 2021)

"Developers plans to replace a large industrial building in McKinley Park with a cold storage facility, but neighbors are concerned about potential pollution and...

THREATENED: Concrete Block Building Erected Without Permits Across from Humboldt Park Stables

"A Humboldt Park museum led by a longtime former alderman has been ordered to stop construction on a cinder-block building after city officials found...

SUN-TIMES EDITORIAL: Downtown’s Endangered Century and Consumers Buildings Deserve Landmark Status (Chicago 7 2011, 2013 & 2022)

"The Century and Consumers buildings, two vacant downtown skyscrapers that are shamefully rotting away and now targeted for demolition by the federal government, might...

WIN: Pioneer Arcade Receives Preliminary Chicago Landmark Approval as part of Adaptive Reuse Plan (Chicago 7 2015)

After over a decade of vacancy, the Pioneer Arcade received Preliminary Chicago Landmark approval at the November 3, 2022 Commission on Chicago Landmarks meeting....

THREATENED: Parishioners Successfully Block La Pietà Statue Removal from St. Adalbert’s Church After Vigil Lasting 40 Days and 40 Nights (Chicago 7 2014, 2016,...

"Archdiocese of Chicago workers temporarily halted efforts to remove a beloved statue from a former Catholic church Pilsen neighbors fought years to save after...

OP-ED: Save the Point, Make it a Chicago City Landmark (Chicago 7 2022)

"To the Editor,"On October 18th, members of the Promontory Point Conservancy met with Superintendent of the Chicago Park District Rosa Ecareno and Commissioner of...

THREATENED: Developer Chooses Demolition Over Adaptive Reuse for Werner Bros. Storage Building

"A $30 million, six-story affordable apartment building could replace a retail strip and storage facility at a prominent Howard Street intersection under a development...