Home WIN: Pullman National Monument Celebrates Grand Opening The Restored Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building, 1880, Solon S. Beman, 11057 S Cottage Grove Avenue. Photo credit: Pullman State Historic Site, Historic Sites Division, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

The Restored Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building, 1880, Solon S. Beman, 11057 S Cottage Grove Avenue. Photo credit: Pullman State Historic Site, Historic Sites Division, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building, 1880, Solon S. Beman, 11057 S Cottage Grove Ave. Photo credit: Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building Historic Pullman Foundation

The Restored Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building, 1880, Solon S. Beman, 11057 S Cottage Grove Avenue. Photo credit: Pullman State Historic Site, Historic Sites Division, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building, 1880, Solon S. Beman, 11057 S Cottage Grove Ave. Photo credit: Pullman Clock Tower and Administration Building Historic Pullman Foundation
Pullman Grounds with Pullman Administration Building, Solon S. Beman. Photo Credit: Eric Allix Rogers