Ward Miller Explores “The Development of the Skyscraper in Chicago” at the National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference in Chicago

Don’t miss Ward Miller’s Power Session at the National Trust Conference where he’ll explore “The Development of the Skyscraper in Chicago–the Tall Building Artistically Considered” on Thursday November 16 from 9:45 to 10:15 at the Palmer House Hilton. This session will explore the famous structures and architects that defined the beginnings of steel-framed buildings in Chicago. A manifestation of the desire to reach the sky, these buildings were impacted by the devastating Chicago Fire of 1871 and by the bridge engineers, structural engineers, and architects who considered good design central to rebuilding the city.

The combination of good design and function has become an international standard and today Chicago architects design superstructures around the world. Buildings discussed during this session will include the Auditorium Building, Leiter II Building, Manhattan Building, Old Colony Building, Fisher Building, Monadnock Building, Rookery, New York Life Building, Marquette Building, Reliance Building, and the Carson Pirie Scott Building.

PastForward is the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s premier annual conference for those passionate about saving historic places and space. This year’s conference will be held in Chicago on November 14, 15, 16, and 17th based at the Palmer House Hilton.
Art, advocacy, and innovation are the hallmarks of preservation in Chicago, where outstanding architecture and diverse neighborhoods have become a proving ground for preservation approaches.

The PastForward 2017 focus will be on “forward,” exploring the next generation of preservation tools and techniques—high-tech, big data, virtual. Learn more about what PastForward is in this 90 second video.

More information and registration information at the Past Forward Conference website.


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