“Chicago Architecture Center is excited to announce the in-person element of Open House Chicago (OHC) 2021 is Saturday and Sunday, October 16 and 17, and are thrilled to welcome back the over 1,000 volunteers needed to greet and assist visitors at 100+ sites throughout the city.
“OHC Volunteer Greeters work ONE shift either Saturday or Sunday, for 3.5 to 5.5 hours.
“As a thank you, each volunteer receives great benefits, including a Priority Access Pass which lets you skip long lines.
“In 2020 we learned a whole new way of doing what we love – showcasing Chicago’s built environment – from a mobile device app. 2021 will be the best of both worlds; the OHC app, open October 1-31, makes for a more intimate, personalized experience for our attendees, getting to know the ins and outs of neighborhoods with themed trails, virtual programming, and self-guided tours.
“To register as a volunteer for Open House Chicago 2021, complete the form on the Open House Chicago website.
“You will receive an email with additional information about choosing a shift and t-shirt pickup options.
“The list of participating sites will be released after Labor Day and shortly after that registered volunteers will be able to select shifts.
“Chicago Architecture Center is continuing to take the ongoing pandemic seriously and will conform to all current health and safety standards necessary, as well as update our volunteers on COVID-19 policies as we get closer to October 16 & 17.
“The team at the Chicago Architecture Center thank you for being dedicated to our city and our festival.
“Please email ohcvolunteers@architecture.org if you have questions about this process.”
More information and registration form at Open House Chicago website.